Meet the producer


A new brand of hope in the sun town, which boasts the top class of sunshine hours in Japan

Mitoyo Olive Co., Ltd.

Olive trees
Olive tree and people
Olive trees

Tangerine farmers challenge the regeneration of abandoned agricultural land in the area.
Strengthen initiatives by incorporation.

In 23, about 700 olives were planted on the ruins of an orange plantation in 4 to create new industries locally using abandoned cultivated land. At present, it has increased to more than 2900 times to about 1. In order to produce high-quality oils, we work carefully according to the condition of each tree, such as harvesting and sorting all fruits by hand. 8% of the varieties planted are “Lucca” with low pungency and bitterness. Offers soft flavored oils suitable for desserts such as fruits and yogurt.

Recommended Products

100% Mitoyo Hand Picked Extra Virgin Olive Oil "AKATSUKI"
Product photo
High quality fruits are carefully selected and harvested, and oil is harvested within 24 hours after harvesting. It is made of a single "Lucca" variety and has a soft and mellow flavor.
Akatsuki cream cheese
Product photo
Extra virgin olive oil "AKATSUKI" is blended with domestic cream cheese. It can be used for crackers, bread and creative dishes.

Milky and soft sweet oil. It works well with yogurt, or with fruits such as kiwis and bananas, or baked camembert. "Extra virgin olive oil" AKATSUKI ""

42-17 Nioshin, Niiocho, Mitoyo-shi
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http://www.mitoyo-olive.comOpen in new tab
https://mitoyoolive.stores.jpOpen in new tab
  • Facebook
Kagawa olive oil quality labeling system
Certified business
Cultivation area
5.6 ha
Olive oil flavor
  • Delicate
  • Posted on FLOSOLEI 2017 (85 items)
  • OLIVE JAPAN 2019 Silver Medal
  • OLIVE JAPAN 2018 Silver Medal
  • Japan Olive Oil Fair Silver Award
  • Kagawa Prefectural Olive Oil Fair Reiwa XNUMXst year Silver Award etc.
  • Olive oil
  • Processed goods
  • Cosmetics
  • Lucca
  • Direct sales (Web shop)
  • Sansan Market Nio
  • Road Station Fureai Park Mino
  • Kagawa Bussankan "Kuririn-an" (Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture) etc.