Meet the producer


Utilize the know-how of the raw material wholesale business of soy sauce and tsukudani to olives.

Telcita Corporation

Olive tree and people
Free-range chickens on the farm
Product manufacturing process

"Let's sell kindness without selling products", "Let's not deny others as a means of competition"
Inherit the family lessons and use them in olive cultivation.

Over 120 years mainly in wholesale business. Olive cultivation started with the desire to have a sense of unity with the community while snuggling up with the companies on the island. To pursue the quality of olives, drain trees and plant trees on sunny land. The only oil type is mission. We are particular about the refreshing and elegant flavor that goes well with Japanese meals. In addition, chickens of a variety called "Arokana", which lay olive eggs from 2017, will be released on the farm. The appearance of chickens running around heals the hearts of workers.

Recommended Products

Extra virgin oil "AERU"
Product photo
The name of the product is "to soften". Mix herbs and olive oil and mix with salads. The flavor is soft and good to drink as it is.
Olive pickled
Product photo
Crisp texture. To drink. Also, as a color of the dining table. The vivid green colors the feeling.

Mix with soy sauce and eat with grilled fish and rice cakes, or eat with savory dishes such as toasted bread, baked eggplants and shrimp together with salt. "Extra virgin oil" AERU ""

73 Magikko, Shodoshima-cho, Shozu-gun
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http://terushita.netOpen in new tab
Kagawa olive oil quality labeling system
No certification
Cultivation area
About 0.3ha
Olive oil flavor
  • Medium (medium)
  • Olive oil
  • New pickles
  • Direct sale
  • Ichinokura (Web shop)