Kagawa prefecture products

Sewing products

Photo of sewn products

This industry has been active since around 30, and has made a great leap forward with exports especially to the United States. Since then, we have shifted to manufacturing products for the domestic market, and have developed a wide range of superior technologies in a variety of products. Coats, blouses, jackets, trousers, shirts and many other products are made. Recently, the demand for products that read daily market trends and trends has been increasing, and we are also producing high-end products that anticipate trends in the fashion world. Sewing products can be made with high quality by carefully manufacturing each product with care. It is one of the local industries that Kagawa is proud of, since its inception, has been working on developing new technologies and improving productivity to meet the needs of users.

Seasonal season
Time to go around Peak season (seasonal season)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Main production area
The whole prefecture

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Prefectural products company