Kagawa metropolitan area gourmet guide

Marunouchi Hotel Pom Dadan

Marunouchi Hotel Pom Dadan

Location1th floor of Marunouchi Hotel, 6-3-8 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business formatFrench
Main ingredientsOlive cow, olive pork, fresh fish, fruits and vegetables
Opening hoursBreakfast from 6:30 to 10:00
Lunch 11: 30-14: 00
Cafe 10: 00-11: 30/14: 00-17: 30
17: 30-22: 00 at night
Closed dayNo
Number of seats64 seats in the hall, 2 to 8 private rooms, 43 seats on the terrace
URLhttps://www.marunouchi-hotel.co.jp/restaurant/pomme/ launch