Olive-related products from Kagawa Prefecture
Introducing stores that handle products

Store map in the prefecture

Store information in the prefecture

Shikoku shop 88

Shikoku shop 88

Olive pickled Processed Foods household goods Seasonings Cooked food Alcoholic beverages Beverage

Address: 2-1 Sunport, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
Takamatsu Symbol Tower 1st floor
TEL: (+087)822-0459-XNUMX
Business hours: 10:00 to 21:00 (April to November)
10: 00-20: 00 (April-September)
Open all year round

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Kagawa Bussankan "Kuririn-an"

Kagawa Bussankan "Kuririn-an"

Olive pickled Processed Foods Cosmetics household goods Confectionery Seasonings Cooked food Beverage noodles

Address: 1-20-16 Ritsurincho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
(Special scenic Ritsurin Garden East Gate)
TEL: (+087)812-3155-XNUMX
Opening time: 10:00 - 18:00
* Business hours vary depending on the month

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Takamatsu Mitsukoshi Uchi Kagawa Prefecture Product Shop

Takamatsu Mitsukoshi Uchi Kagawa Prefecture Product Shop

Processed Foods Seasonings Beverage noodles

Address: 7-1 Uchimachi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
Takamatsu Mitsukoshi Main Building B1F
TEL: (+087)802-5557-XNUMX
Opening time: 10:00 - 19:00

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Roadside station Genpei no Satomure store exterior

Road Station Genpei no Satomura

Processed Foods Confectionery Seasonings Cooked food Alcoholic beverages

Address: 631-7 Murechohara, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+087)845-6080-XNUMX
Opening time: 9:00 - 17:00
Regular holiday: 1st and 3rd Tuesday

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Inside the Olive Park shop

Road Station Shodoshima Olive Park

Olive pickled Processed Foods Seasonings Cooked food Beverage noodles

Address: 1941-1 Nishimura, Shodoshima-cho, Shozu-gun, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+0879)82-2200-XNUMX
Business hours: 8: 30-17: 00 (open all year round)

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Fuchu Lake parking area up

Fuchu Lake Parking Area (Up Line)

Processed Foods

Address: 3785 Fuchu-cho, Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+0877)59-4833-XNUMX
Business hours: XNUM X hours
* Business hours of restaurants, etc. are different.

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Fuchu Lake PA down

Fuchu Lake parking area (down line)

Processed Foods noodles

Address: 3785-19 Fuchu-cho, Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+0877)48-0672-XNUMX
Hours: 7: 30 ~ 19: 30

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Tonosho Port Tourist Center

Tonosho Port Tourist Center

Processed Foods Confectionery Seasonings Cooked food Beverage

Address: 6194-10 Ko, Tonosho-cho, Shozu-gun, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+0879)62-1666-XNUMX
Opening time: 8:30 - 17:00

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Yoshima parking area

Yoshima parking area

Olive pickled Processed Foods Seasonings Cooked food

Address: 587 Yoshima-cho, Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+0877)43-0226-XNUMX
Opening hours: 8 hours to 21 hours
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 7:30 to 21:30

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Toyohama service area up

Toyohama Service Area (Up Line)

Olive pickled Processed Foods Seasonings

Address: 2180-1 Minoura, Toyohama-cho, Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+0875)52-6585-XNUMX
Business hours: XNUM X hours

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Shodoshima Olive Garden

Shodoshima Olive Garden

Processed Foods Seasonings Cooked food

Address: 2171 Nishimura, Shodoshima-cho, Shozu-gun, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL: (+0879)82-4260-XNUMX
Business hours: 8: 30-17: 00 (open all year round)

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Inside Sanuki Toy Museum

Sanuki Toy Museum shop

household goods

Address: XNUMX-XNUMX Daikumachi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
(In Sanuki Toy Museum)
TEL: (+087)887-6762-XNUMX
Opening time: 10:00 - 19:00
Regular holiday: Thursday (closed the next day if it is a national holiday)

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Tsuda's Matsubara SA (up)

Tsuda's Matsubara Service Area (Up Line)

Cooked food noodles

Address: 935-5 Tsuruwa, Tsudamachi, Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture
Hours: 7: 00 ~ 22: 00
* Business hours may be shortened to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection.
Open all year round

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Road Station Takinomiya

Road Station Takimiya Souvenir Shop "Shop Ayagawa"

Cooked food Alcoholic beverages Beverage noodles

Address: 1578 Takinomiya, Ayagawa-cho, Ayauta-gun, Kagawa Prefecture
Opening time: 9:00 - 17:00
Closed: Tuesday

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