Sanuki dining

Ristorante FURYU

Ristorante FURYU's cuisine

A hidden restaurant situated on a hill nearby Kusanagi Port, Shodoshima Island

In Shodoshima Island, the moderate climate is good for growing crops, and our close partnership with local producers enables us to make the best Italian cuisine. We serve Italian cuisine with the natural flavors of seasonal Shodoshima and Kagawa foods. Our name comes from the spirit called "Furyu", observing the elegance in hospitality to gods as well as people. We cook our foods with a similar spirit, with a gratitude to nature.

Store overview
Store name Ristorante FURYU
Address 872-2 Kusakabe Honcho, Shodoshima-cho, Shodo-gun
Access Approximately 15 minutes by car from Ikeda Port
Phone 0879-82-2707
Opening hours 17:30 - 21:00
* Complete reservation system ・ Reservation required until the day before
Closing days Monday to Friday, irregular holidays
Credit card out of service
Non-smoking and smoking seats No smoking
Parking XNUMX units
budget Dinner course: 4,500 yen ~ (tax included)

Facilities / services Wi-Fi あ り
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