Delicious recipe collection

The peach of Iinan is delicious! Panna cotta!


Peach compote

  • peach 1/2
  • Wed 80 ml
  • sugar 1 tablespoons
  • lemon juice 1 tsp

Panna cotta

  • milk 60 ml
  • Peach compote Half
  • Fresh cream 60 ml
  • Powdered gelatin 2g
  • sugar 1 tablespoons
  • Wed 20 ml


  • Compote syrup 3 tablespoons
  • Powdered gelatin 1g
  • Peach compote 6 pieces
  • mint 4


  1. Cut peaches into four equal parts.

  2. Put the compote ingredients in a shallow pan, boil over low heat and cool.

  3. Return gelatin to water.

  4. Pour the peach and milk in a mixer until smooth.

  5. Stir the whipped cream for 2 minutes, add ③④ and sugar.

  6. Put in a container and chill in the refrigerator.

  7. Heat gelatin for 1 minute and melt gelatin.

  8. Place compote on panna cotta.

  9. Put the mint over the coarse heat.

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