Whole eggplant burg
Contest recipe OnionsRarirure lettuceMitoyo eggplantChicken eggs

- Mitoyo eggplant 2 individual
- Onions 1/2 Otama
- Goat meat 200g
- egg 1 individual
- Tomato Appropriate amount
- lettuce Appropriate amount
- Melting cheese 2 tablespoons
- Wheat flour a little
- Bread crumbs About 4 tbsp
- Olive oil Appropriate amount
- Tonkatsu sauce 1 tablespoons
- ketchup 1 tablespoons
- Curry powder 1 tsp
ソ ー ス
- Tonkatsu sauce About 4 tbsp
- ketchup About 4 tbsp
- liqueur 2 tablespoons
- Salt and pepper a little
Make 6 vertical cuts from the bottom of the eggplant to the bottom of the eggplant, heat it in a microwave oven 600W for about 5 minutes with olive oil.
Mix the onion, egg, tonkatsu sauce, ketchup, and curry powder cut into bitter meat, divide into two and wrap the cheese.
(XNUMX) Open the eggplant, combine the hamburger seeds and sprinkle with flour and bread crumbs.
Make ③ a little petanko and bake over medium heat in a frying pan. Turn the inside out, cover and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
When baked, serve on a plate with salad.
Put the tonkatsu sauce, ketchup, sake and salt and pepper in a frying pan baked with eggplant burger, boil down to make the sauce, and finish with eggplant burger!
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