Delicious recipe collection


  • Mitoyo eggplant
  • Okra
  • Shiitake mushroom
  • Kinki potato
  • Kinki ginseng
  • broccoli
  • Soy sauce beans
  • Rough shrimp

Sesame cream

  • Per sesame
  • White miso
  • Wasanbon sugar
  • sweet sake
  • Soy sauce
  • salt
  • soup stock


  1. Cut in half lengthwise.

  2. Make a cut.

  3. Soak in alum, fry and boil.

  4. Take the ac

  5. Spread sesame with Mitoyo eggplant soup and make sesame cream.

  6. Apply sesame cream on Mitoyo eggplant.

  7. Boil the shrimp with salt and peel the skin.

  8. Vegetables are boiled and cooked in thin Happochi.

  9. Serve vegetables.

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