Delicious recipe collection


For 2 people

  • Olive beef (sliced) 150g
  • Sanuki Kiwikko (Kiwi) 80g
  • onion 1/2
  • broccoli Room 6
  • Red paprika 1/4
  • Sesame Oil 1/2 tbsp

Seasoning A

  • Oyster sauce 1/2 tbsp
  • Soy sauce 1/2 tbsp
  • Black pepper a little


  1. Cut olive beef into bite-sized pieces.Grate Sanuki kiwi.Add half the amount of kiwi and beef to a bowl, mix and soak for 5-10 minutes.
    * Please note that if you soak in kiwi for a long time, the meat quality will become too soft.

  2. Divide the broccoli into boiled bunches and chop the onions and red paprika into small pieces.

  3. Put sesame oil in a frying pan, heat and add XNUMX and fry on medium heat.When it's cooked, fry the onions, red paprika, and broccoli in that order.

  4. Mix the remaining kiwi with (seasoning A).Adjust the taste in addition to step 3.

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Recipe supervision: Kagawa Prefecture × National Research and Development Corporation RIKEN

This recipe is a recipe published in the health recipe book "Kagawa no Genki Rice" that utilizes agricultural and marine products produced in Kagawa Prefecture and RIKEN.

Kagawa Prefecture x RIKEN "Kagawa's Genki Rice" -Enjoy a lively and healthy life with ingredients from Kagawa Prefecture- (Kagawa Prefecture page)