Delicious recipe collection


For 2 people

  • Olive yellowtail (sashimi) Around 450g
  • olive oil Appropriate amount


  • salt 10g
  • garlic powder 5g
  • Black pepper 3g
  • Ginger powder 2g


  • Cabbage, cucumber, purple onion, lemon Each appropriate amount
  • Tomato 1/2
  • Blue perilla 4 to 5 sheets


  1. After mixing [A] and sprinkling it on yellowtail, wrap it in kitchen paper and plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator to let the taste blend in.

  2. Cut the cabbage into thin strips, cut the cucumber into thin strips, cut the purple onions into round slices, and soak them in water for about 5 minutes to drain them.Cut tomatoes into combs and lemons into half-moons.Cut the yellowtail from step 1 to a thickness of XNUMX cm so that it is easy to eat.

  3. Serve yellowtail and vegetables.Sprinkle with olive oil. (If you like soy sauce or ponzu sauce)

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This recipe is from the "22nd Seafood Cooking Contest" sponsored by the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (JF All Fisheries Federation Central Seafood Center).Fish dish challenge sectionBest Award, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries AwardIt is a work of Tomoko Katayama who won the award.
(Photo courtesy of JF Zenyoren)

What is "Seafood Cooking Contest"?

By soliciting original recipes that make use of fresh sensibilities and abundant ideas, and promoting excellent works widely, you can enjoy fish dishes more closely and rediscover the deliciousness of fish dishes. Is aimed at.
Organizer:National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (JF All Fisheries Federation Central Seafood Center)launch

22nd Seafood Cooking Contest Results Announcement Page (JF All Fisheries Federation Page)launch