Delicious recipe collection


5-6 pieces in a 7 cm diameter cup

  • garlic 1-2 pieces
  • Vegetables of your choice Onions, bacon, edamame, asparagus, etc.
  • Salt and pepper Appropriate amount
  • * If you use Oidemai rice flour instead of wheat flour, it will be gluten-free.

《For topping》

  • Favorite cheese, oil sardines, anchovies, shirasu, salted olives, freshly pickled olives, etc.


  • Wheat flour 100g
  • egg 1 individual
  • milk 150 tsp
  • * Egg + milk = 200cc.
  • Baking powder 1 tsp
  • Extra virgin olive oil from Kagawa prefecture 50g


  1. Add garlic to olive oil (not included), add your favorite vegetables, fry and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  2. Make dough (mix in order)
    ・ Flour + baking powder
    ・ One egg with milk added to make 1cc
    ·Olive oil

  3. Combine steps 1 and 2 and put them in a cup and add your favorite toppings.
    Add salty and delicious ingredients such as freshly pickled olives, your favorite cheese, oil sardines, anchovies, and shirasu to improve the taste.

  4. Bake for about 200 minutes in an oven toaster preheated to about 15 degrees.

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This recipe was held from December 3, 12rd (Thursday) to February 23th, 4th (Tuesday), using olive oil from Kagawa prefecture, newly pickled olives, and recommended agricultural products from Kagawa prefecture. This is a prize-winning work of "#Kagawa Prefecture Olive Recipe Contest".

By kneading olive oil into the dough, you can enjoy the rich aroma of olives.It is also a point that you can freely top with freshly pickled olives and your favorite prefecture vegetables.


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