Delicious recipe collection


Tomato sauce

  • Onions 1/4
  • Tomato 1 individual
  • basil a little
  • ketchup 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic 1 piece
  • salt Appropriate amount
  • Olive oil Appropriate amount

Pizza toast

  • Toast 2
  • Tomato 1 individual
  • Eggplant (Naho Mitoyo) 1/2
  • Onions 1/2
  • green pepper 1/2
  • Asparagus (sanukino awakening) Appropriate amount
  • cheese Appropriate amount
  • basil Appropriate amount


  1. Boil the tomatoes.

  2. Transfer the garlic scent to olive oil and fry the onion over low heat.

  3. Add tomato ketchup and cook.

  4. Add basil and season with salt.

  5. Spread the tomato sauce on the toast.

  6. Put onion, tomato, eggplant, pepper and asparagus.

  7. Add cheese.

  8. Bake in oven for 4 minutes.

  9. Cut and serve.

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