- Sanuki Shippo-sai [by IKUNAS f]
- Cold edamame white miso soup
- White miso pound cake
- Teppai [by IKUNAS f]
- White miso x sunflower oil Bran brownie [by IKUNAS f]
- Sardine miso taste Tatsuta fried canapé [by IKUNAS f]
- Sanuki broad beans pickled in miso [by IKUNAS f]
- Stir-fried whole garlic with miso [by IKUNAS f]
- Eggplant gratin style lemon miso tailoring [by IKUNAS f]
- Konjac with white sauce [by IKUNAS f]
- Iriko miso [by IKUNAS f]
- Miso-zuke of Spanish mackerel [by IKUNAS f]
- Root vegetable white miso curry
- Sanuki miso chowder
- Sanuki stew with olive beef and white miso
- Olive beef baked with Sanuki vegetables
- Sanuki vegetables and Mitoyo eggplant
- Kiwi miso pickled olive dream pork
- ~ SANUKI seasonal vegetables mochi! Saku! Udon quiche ~