Kappo Matsumoto Kappo Matsumoto

Thick sea bream (800 yen)

Kappo Matsumoto Kappo Matsumoto

The natural sea bream, which is fatty and delicious from autumn to winter, is served in thin pieces.Enjoy the freshness and deliciousness with ponzu sauce.

store information

775-4 Yokouchi, Higashikagawa City, Kagawa Prefecture
Opening hours
17:00 ~ 22:00
* Complete reservation system up to the day before
Closing days
Sundays (open with reservations)
Number of seats
25 seats
10 stand

Thoughts on ingredients

Owner/Mr. Matsumoto

We offer seasonal dishes with careful preparation and delicate seasoning. After training as a Japanese cuisine chef for 57 and 20 years in Osaka, he opened a restaurant in 60 in his hometown of Higashikagawa.Every morning, he uses fresh seafood auctioned off at the Sanbonmatsu fishing port, and serves dishes that make the most of the ingredients he has cultivated over the years.People come from far and wide to catch pufferfish from winter to spring, and conger pike in summer.Take this opportunity to taste the famous restaurant.