knocking kitchen knocking kitchen

Hikita local octopus and Mitoyo eggplant stew in tomato (1,200 yen)

knocking kitchen knocking kitchen

Hikita's local octopus is specially frozen before use, making it soft and easy to eat, so it can be eaten deliciously regardless of the season.This dish combines local octopus from Hikita and melt-in-the-mouth Mitoyo eggplant with sour tomato sauce, and although it is a stew, it is refreshing and enjoyable.

store information

3-5-19 Fujitsukacho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
Opening hours
Friday and Saturday 18:00-23:00 (LO22:00)
Closing days
Number of seats
28 seats

Thoughts on ingredients

Owner chef/Mr. Ogawa

We provide an enjoyable dining experience with respect for producers and reliable technology. The chef, who has a unique background and has also worked as a sports trainer, travels to fields and fisheries himself, working closely with producers as he approaches food.Although they pride themselves on their authentic taste and technique, they create a casual atmosphere, providing a space where families can enjoy meals together.