Olive beef

Umino Restaurant Umitota restaurant

Olive beef bistecca (4,000 yen)

Umino Restaurant Umitota restaurant

A simple bistecca that takes advantage of the potential of olive beef, which has a good balance of refreshing fat and rich lean meat.The slightly sour homemade sauce brings out the sweetness of the olive beef even more.Enjoy the deliciousness of the meat itself, along with fresh vegetables from your own garden.

store information

525-1 Toshima Ieura, Tonosho-cho, Shozu-gun, Kagawa Prefecture
Opening hours
Closing days
Number of seats
30 seats, terrace 20 seats
8 stand
Reservations required for night business

Thoughts on ingredients

Enjoy fresh local fish in a great location

A restaurant where you can enjoy your meal on the terrace, as if you were on the deck of a ship.We offer a la carte Italian cuisine made with plenty of fresh fish and olive beef from Teshima and Seto Inland Sea, vegetables and fruits delivered from island farmers, and vegetables and herbs from our own garden.