Olive beef

Setouchi Uminomon Totoichi Setouchi Uminomon Totoichi

Olive beef and seasonal vegetable steak (2,980 yen)

Setouchi Uminomon Totoichi Setouchi Uminomon Totoichi

You can enjoy dishes based on the theme of “Eating the whole bounty of Setouchi.”It is best enjoyed with a soy sauce-based sauce and local sake. Another appeal of Totoichi is the wide selection of local sake.Enjoy the harmony of your favorite local sake and “olive beef”.

store information

4-18 Kajiyamachi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
Opening hours
17: 00 to 23: 30 (LO23: 00)
Closing days
Sundays and public holidays
Number of seats
67 seats

Thoughts on ingredients

Chef/Mr. Hiura

I want to deliver fresh Kagawa ingredients deliciously Local seasonal vegetables are procured from the greengrocer "sanukis" and offer a menu where you can feel the four seasons.The ingredients are used in various cooking methods to deliver new flavors.Apart from the grand menu, we also offer seasonal vegetables on the recommended menu, so don't miss it!