뉴스공지 사항

공지 사항

Kagawa 's Condiments


Various condiments, such as sugar, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, miso, are made in Kagawa.
Thanks to Setouchi 's warm climate with little rain, sugar (Wasanbon) and salt were vigorously produced, being the reason for the name "Sanuki Sanpaku (Sanuki 's Three Whites) "which stood for sugar, cotton and salt.
Wasanbon, fine sugar with uniquely delicate sweetness, is being produced using a traditional method to this day.
Salt production also has a long history : salt-manufacturing claywares from 100-300A.D. were excavated from the minor islands and the coasts nearby.
Salt produced in Kagawa is full of minerals and perfect accompaniment to various dishes.
Based on the salt, soy-sauce production flourished in Kagawa. It is one of the biggest soy-sauce producing regions in Japan with several soy-sauce breweries in the prefecture, mainly around Shodoshima Island.
Vinegar is widely produced in Kagawa as well : rice vinegars such as Nio-Su(Nio Vinegar) of Nio Town, Mitoyo City and 요시노 수(Yoshino Vinegar) of Busshozan Town, Takamatsu City.
In Kagawa, miso means "시로 미소(white miso) ". About 80 % of miso produced in the prefecture is"Shiro Miso "with gentle sweet flavor.

SANUKI MARCHE in Sunport "Condiment Marche"
Date & Time : Sunday 1st September 2019 / 10am - 3pm
Venue : Sunport Takamatsu West Passage · Multipurpose Square
* In case of stormy weather, postponed to the following week (Sunday 8th구월)


〒760-0019 가가 와현 다카마쓰시 산 포토 2-1
산뽀토高松 심볼 타워 서쪽 통로
