Delicious recipe collection
Verrine of colorful fruits
Contest recipe Unshu Mandarin OrangesSanuki Gold KiwifruitRare sugarKoryoku Kiwi

- Sanuki Gold (Kiwi fruit) 1 individual
- Kaoroku (Kiwifruit) 1 individual
- Wenzhou oranges 1 individual
- Rare sugar sweet 3 tablespoons
- Biscuit 4
- milk 100 tsp
- Fresh cream 200 tsp
- gelatin 4g
- lemon juice 2 tsp
- Brandy 1 tablespoons
- chervil Appropriate amount
For fruit
- Rare sugar sweet 1 tablespoons
- lemon juice 1 tablespoons
Cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces and combine with 1 tbsp rare sugar sweet and 1 tbsp lemon juice.
Keep fresh cream for 6 minutes.
Crush the biscuits.
Put the milk in a pan and warm, then put the gelatin in and melt.
Add 04 tablespoons of rare sugar sweet to 3 and mix.
Cool down to 40 ° C or less and add lemon juice and brandy.
Add the whipped whipped cream in three portions.
Put the crushed biscuit in a glass and pour the mousse into it.
Cool in refrigerator for about 1 hour.
Once set, decorate the fruit and chervil.
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